After six months, you won’t be the same person (Master Anything, Fast)


Most people, even though they don’t know it, are asleep. They’re born asleep, they live asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in their sleep, they die in their sleep without ever waking up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence. – Anthony De Mello

People are living on autopilot.

Everyone was assigned goals by society as a child.

Goals require a system to be achieved.

A system takes trial and error to become efficient.

You had the biological goals of walking, talking, and speaking to survive.

As simple as they are for you now, that wasn’t always the case.

Your mind received negative feedback from your environment that led to those systems becoming efficient to achieve your goal of surviving.

Your parents either scolded you or pointed you in the right direction when you made a mistake.

You started crawling, then stumbling around, then walking like a toddler with little balance, and now you can (hopefully) walk like an Olympic gold medalist can flip through the air and stick the landing – because they practiced achieving that goal long enough.

Learning to walk is just the start.

What about the goals of going to school, getting a high-paying job, and retiring at an age where you have little time left to enjoy your life?

Society is a behavior system.

And those are 3 big goals that they injected into your mind right when you learned to comprehend the language you speak.

99% of people are only interpreting everyday situations in a way that leads to those goals.

99% of people are practicing the skills and programming their minds to live a mediocre life without even knowing it.

The masses are being shepherded to an unfulfilling life because the systems that compose their mind, identity, perspective, and perception are becoming more efficient as they age.

Who Is Joe Krammer

I work with seven or eight figure artists, influencers, and social media brands as a writer and brand advisor. I have an obsession with one-person enterprises, lifestyle design, and analyzing human potential.
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